Dusty blog...  

Posted by: Ms. W in

It's been a long time but I don't think I want to abandon this blog. This is what I do to de-stress so I definitely still need it. My job as a teacher is ranked at no. 5 on the most stressful jobs list in Malaysia. Believe me it's not even slightly what you think.

Anyway, I do hope that I am going to improve more next year. I know that I did improved some this year. I want to be a more cekap and berdisiplin teacher.

I have moved from Sabah to Selangor now. I love my new house and I can't wait to make it a home (just a few days left before we move in). I miss the comfort of old routines. I am anxious about my new school. It's a good school - ranks at no. 2 in my district for its PMR result (no. 1 goes to a science boarding school so there's no suprise there) but I can see that vandalism is a problem there.

Ok, new year; new life. Wish me luck ;)

PS: Suprisingly I miss my ex-principal's strictness haha.

Aidilfitri 2009.  

Posted by: Ms. W in , ,

I love my raya in perantauan. Seriously! I don't ever feel sad celebrating Aidilfitri away from everyone. I enjoy Eid ul-Fitr with strangers more than relatives haha.

I love that our raya is celebrated at our own pace; our own everything. Raya at your own house means many things. These include waking up in your own bed, not needing to queue up in order to use the toilet and you know definitely how clean your bathroom / toilet is ;)

I started cooking my raya feast (like everyone else) the day before 1st Syawal. For the first day of Eid we had rendang daging and lontong accompanied with sambal sotong. We ordered some kelupis (the local ketupat) to be eaten with the rendang of course. Cooking for hari raya on my own is something I know most of my close friends don't experience. Believe me it's really tiring (even with Mr. A constantly helping with everything else) but rewarding =)

1st Syawal was spent mostly at home. This year we received visitors before we had the chance to step out of the house. Furthermore, the kids took their naps in the late afternoon and they chose to sleep more than three hours! They managed to sleep really well even though they were some visitors coming in and going out during those hours.

We went visiting friends on the 2nd and 3rd Syawal. And on 4th Syawal I decided to cook mee kari because I know some of our friends were planning to visit us and I seriously didn't want them to feast only on air sirap and kuih raya. We went out visiting friends the next day and the next and the next... We even got to stuff ourselves with plenty of delicious durians when we visited some locals who own durian orchards here hehe.

Ughh how I hate to go back to work tomorrow!

More blogging please...  

Posted by: Ms. W in , ,

It has been a while I know. I still do like blogging but sometimes I have nothing to blog about. When I started this blog I wanted to blog more about my kids, my family but still my blog posts seemed to focus more about my life.

Adik has started to talk more. His first vocab was "Ayah". Now he can ask for water (nak ayee), his vitamin C (amin) and say thank you (asih). I forget some of the other words he said because those three mentioned are what he says most.

Kakak has also expanded her vocabulary knowledge and mostly in English. I can't say that i'm really proud because I am actually guilty of letting my kids watch too much TV. They watch Playhouse Disney mostly. Anyway, I really think that parents should let their kids watch cartoons in English as opposed to those dubbed in Bahasa. I hate cartoons (that are originially in English) in Bahasa. What a waste!

Kakak says her English words funny though. Here are some examples:
Chicken - chingken
Blue - buyu
Baloon - buyun

Haha =)

Ok, I'm going to blog about Raya now. See you next post!

Daisypath Lilypie Lilypie Third Birthday tickers